The experts at CAROL Demo take your business seriously. That's why we personally handle each request for policy premium quotes. We provide policies to cover businesses of all sizes: from sole proprietorships to large corporations.
Nothing is more important to your business than its assets. To adequately protect the assets of your business, consider the following types of Commercial Insurance Coverage and contact our experts to personally answer your questions.
General liability insurance is vital to protect businesses of every size from exposure to liability. Along with Business Property Insurance, combined liability coverage puts your mind at ease, allowing you to do what you do best: run your business.
Product liability insurance is vital for all businesses involved in the stream of commerce, from the manufacture and production of goods and products, to end users in the marketplace. Sellers, buyers and even bystanders can pose special risks that many business fail to protect themselves against. Make sure your business is covered from end to end.
Umbrella liability insurance offers extra protection against liability claims. Primary Liability Insurance policies may not offer enough coverage to protect your business' specific needs. Umbrella Insurance, also known as Excess Liability Insurance, offers additional coverage in excess of the limits of your Primary Insurance Policies.
Business auto coverage is insurance covering commercial vehicles used in the daily operation of your business. Service trucks, delivery vehicles, and company-owned transport cars are all exposed to unforeseen hazards each time they enter the road. Many businesses simply cannot operate without these vehicles. Make sure your company vehicles are sufficiently protected.
Woker's compensation coverage provides medical coverage for employees who are injured or disabled on the job. Although many states may have differing plans and protocol, Workers' Comp Insurance was created to assist business owners in providing protection for their most precious assets: employees.
Building and business property insurance is to your physical property what Business Auto Insurance is to your company vehicles. Property owners of manufacturing plants, warehouses and distribution centers, and brick-and-mortar stores all need special protection from unforeseen occurrences such as fire, accidents, and weather-related damage. Protect your inventory and equipment as well as your building and outdoor premises.
Real estate insurance is a third type of business property insurance available to owners of real estate. Whether your business has an investment in retail centers, office space, or residential real estate, you need a special safety net to protect the real estate assets of your business.
Non profits are unique organizations. There are three basic types of insurance coverage that is relevant to the operation of a nonprofit organization. Each should be considered carefully and fully discussed with an insurance professional.